Hamilton Mayday is an established and independently owned recruitment consultancy with over 30 years’ experience of introducing high quality talent into the hospitality and catering industry.

We believe that publishing gender pay gap data (defined by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) as the difference in median pay between men and women) on an annual basis will help employers, including ourselves, to see where action to close the gender pay gap is most needed. It will also help us to establish a benchmark for our own staff.

Hospitality has a historical bias toward one gender performing certain roles that accounts for a large percentage of our workforce, so for example, chefs tend to be male and waiting staff female so we expected a relatively large Gender Pay Gap. However, across the UK, the latest official figures according to the ONS show that the median hourly pay for women is 15.5 per cent lower than for men.

Whilst there is a gender imbalance shown below, pay is not influenced by gender. We support the fair treatment and reward for all our workers irrespective of gender.

Our figures based on the snapshot date of 5th April 2020 are shown below.

Mean Gender Pay Gap 7.26%
Median Gender Pay Gap 18.58%
Mean Bonus Gender Pay Gap -241.01%
Median Bonus Gender Pay Gap -834.05%
Proportion of Males in Lower Quartile 50.45%
Proportion of Females in Lower Quartile 49.55%
Proportion of Males in Lower Middle Quartile 58.56%
Proportion of Females in Lower Middle Quartile 41.44%
Proportion of Males in Upper Middle Quartile 30.91%
Proportion of Females in Upper Middle Quartile 69.09%
Proportion of Males in Upper Quartile 59.46%
Proportion of Females in Upper Quartile 40.54%


I confirm that our data has been calculated according to the requirements of the Equality Act 2010

(Gender Pay Gap Information) Regulations 2017.


Stephen Honey

Head of Group Operations